The Ultimate Detox Formula – The MucusLess Living System+ NEWly added Juice Fasting System

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The Ultimate Detox Formula – The MucusLess Living System

This article is a basic breakdown and summary of the MucusFree Living system created by Dr. Arnold Ehret, with supporting tools taken from Prof.Spiras website along with the posts of Alexandra Schwenn. I add my input on some of these topics, and expand on from my direct experience.

As I work through my own process of transition with food, it has become abundantly clear that 95% of what I have heard about Nutrition from traditional sources, is simply incorrect… for where I currently reside.

It is not to say it may not be valid for another, within their current belief structure, but from my experience with many types of foods, nutrition, diet plans, supplements, protocols, it has become clear that I have felt my BEST – which means, happiness, fulfillment, mind clarity, energy levels etc… when I am following the very simple and basic guidelines of the Mucus Free Living System.


IMPORTANT NOTE: – I always recommend a personal assessment / coaching / & reading session with anyone that I am guiding in this process. This gives more personal advice and guidance based on your individual nature. I weave in various tools that can support in this process – you can schedule that HERE


In consideration of food, diet, nutrition and what we put into our bodies, I have found these questions to be beneficial for one to contemplate.

  • What is your relationship to food?
  • Do you live to eat or eat to live?
  • Are you actually hungry?
  • Do you eat simply because it’s “time” to eat?
  • What emotions are you not feeling and escape by eating?
  • Do you drink water because you are thirsty or because you have been indoctrinated to drink water because it is supposedly hydrating?
  • How do you feel after eating the foods you choose to eat? Observe your thoughts and emotions and how they change according to what you eat



A recently saw a post of a facilitator and health expert in this field who did a study through a specific questionnaire with over 1000 people as the test group. The premise of the questionnaire was to find out what was the most damaged /blocked “energy center” or chakra within the human energy system.

The results reflected that by far the most blocked energy center for most was the pleasure center – the pleasure center relates with the sacral chakra – which connects with relationships, sex, creativity, addictions, food etc. Physically it relates with our digestive system!

Everything in life is relationship management. Whether its a relationship to ourselves, others, an object or an idea. We are constantly in the experience of “relating” to “things”.

So this comes back to the question.. What is our relationship to food?

When our creative energy does not flow properly, our relationships to things can turn detrimental, or negative. Many times, things that are simple habits, turn into addictions.  We find this in our tendencies of experiencing emotional addictions to specific things. Be it people, a way of being… or food.

Now in a similar article about Energy Healing & Emotional Mastery – I clearly outlined that emotions are the source to all physical ailments. Because all things start as energy, well everything we experienced physically is a product of the emotional energy that is moving (or not)



Dr. Arnonld Ehret, one of the pioneers of the Mucusless Living System,  observes that the accumulation of uneliminated waste materials by eating pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods, is the foundation of all human illness. Due to the types of mucus forming foods we eat, or foods in which are highly difficult to release out of the system, it accumulates over time in the body and creates STAGNATION.

Jus tlike if we had stagnation or blockage in our sewage system, whether in our Home or our city, there would be an issue. It is no different with our physical body..

There must be a way in which we firstly release all of the old, stagnant and blocked sewage channels in our body, and secondly, don’t repeat the same mistake TWICE!


This Below is taken from Prof Spira’s website

What foods are pus, mucus, and acid-forming? In the Mucusless Diet Healing System, Prof. Arnold Ehretasserts that pus and mucus-forming foods are the foundation of human illness and should not be eaten. In short, pus and mucus-forming foods include meat, poultry, dairy, grains, starches, and fats. Yet, it must be understood that just knowing what these foods are is not enough. It is important to know how to rationally and safety TRANSITION off of the most dangerous pus and mucus-formers over a longer period of time.

The word “mucus” is from the Latin mucus which means “slime, mold, snot, etc.” Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells, mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky, viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion. The word “pus” is from late 14c. Latin “pus” (related to puter [putrid] “rotten”), from Proto-Indo-European*pu- compared to Sanskrit. puyati “rots, stinks,” putih “stinking, foul.” Pus often refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. It also refers to the substance that dead animal flesh is chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting in one’s digestive tract. The ingestion of meat and dairy products create pus residue in the body, while starchy and fatty foods are mucus-forming.

The word “mucusless,” or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.

All foods that are pus/mucus-forming are acid-forming. The word “acid” is from the early 1600s meaning “of the taste of vinegar,” from French acide (16c.) or directly from Latin acidus “sour, sharp,” adjective of state from acere “to be sour,” from PIE root *ak- “sharp, pointed.” In chemistry it refers to a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. From a mucusless perspective, pus and mucus-forming foods are understood to be “acid-forming” inside the human body. Such foods create an acidic internal environment that is detrimental to wellness.

There is a full comprehensive list of MucusForming and MucusFree foods below.


TRANSITION DIET – Where Do I start?

There are many schools of thought when it comes to various approaches to this diet. Though, in simplicity, this is what I have resonated most with, when it comes to the stages of Transition that one can go through.

The importance of going progressively through faces is extremely important, and is how we set ourselves for long term success. Depending on where we are at, and where we find ourselves on the progression towards lighter consumption (and more detox/healing) this will determine where we start from.

This chart that outlines the traditional stages of the detox process is quite accurate and representative of the stages I often guide people through in 1on1 coaching – and also what I have gone through. It is a cyclical process that oscillates back and fourth. a few steps forward, a couple back.

We also go into this in our complete video course that outlines all the stages and the phased approach – details HERE

This diagram outlines the phased approach in a good summary:




(below post from my recent blog on the 10 day Dry fast – I explain how I went through almost every stage on this diagram)



This below is taken from a mentor of mine ALexandra Schwenn’s group. She outlines a very manageable way to start on this path!


PHASE 1: Start Small, but consistently

If you are just coming off cooked food, animal products or even cooked vegan—->

-commit to daily fasting periods (no food or water) for at least 10 hours, say 7 pm to 7 am, if you can make that 12 hours

-commit to avoiding all animal products and grains like rice, wheat etc. only spelt, Teff, black rice or millet

-commit to eating fruit from break-fast to lunch, more is always good

-commit having a large raw salad with steamed veggies (see the list) for lunch

-commit to a mucusless dinner of steamed veg, greens, sweet potato, chickpeas, raw tomato and cucumber salad, Teff, quinoa, black beans, millet, spelt, some avocado are all good transitional choices



PHASE 2: This is later – but for reference

If you are already on a high raw food diet—>

-commit to dry fasting daily for 12-18 hours

-commit to lemon juice enemas several times x day, daily better

-commit to breaking fast with fruit and staying on fruit until dinner

-commit to eliminating high fat foods like nuts and avocados, keeping some hemp seeds, Brazil nuts and walnuts as options

-commit to eating a large green salad (steamed veggies can be added to act as brooms and clean us out on a deeper level), you can add sprouts (alfalfa are best), use lemon or lime as dressing and herbs and seaweed to season and keep salt to a minimum

-commit to eating options from above version for beginners when you are tempted to eat foods that are not mucusless


For all—>

-No stimulants meaning no alcohol, no coffee, no black tea. Dandelion coffee is great as are herbal teas, Chaga tea or other mushroom teas. If you eat enough juicy fruit and veggies you will not need much to drink anyway

-Hydration does not come from water, if comes from dry fasting and rehydrating with coconut water, fruit and high water content vegetables

-I’ll be positing some lists of mucuslean foods in the comments-

If you want to up the intensity you can increase the dry fasting periods and increase the fruits

Become aware of your emotions and how they are linked to food




NEW SECTION – Juice Fasting & The Solid Food Vacation.

As we traverse through our detoxification, healing and purification process by shifting to a flow of lighter consumption in all ways, the body will naturally look to experience longer periods of vacationing from solid food all together.

The progressive stages outlined in this process give the body & mind a chance to adapt to the changes underway and the stair step approach to returning to our original nature as breatharian beings. After periods of longer raw or fruitarian approaches have been consistent, along with periods of shorter dry, juice or water fasting – a longer duration of juice fasting or solid food vacation is recommended.

An extended juice fast or solid food vacation (an original coined termed by detox coach & leader Jon Rose) gives the body a much longer duration of digestive rest, which allows for the body’s energy reserve to be focused on the weaker parts of the system, opening up for deeper healing. This process opens up the energy reserves within the body to be focused upon the weaker parts that require healing. By not consuming any solid food, and only intaking the calories and nutrients from the juices, the body begins to re-learn its ways of being able to generate its own energy,micro and macro nutrients as it once did.

This time of rest, gives the entire body a simple “break” for deeper levels of healing which generally includes specifically an emptying out of the digestive system and the build up of many years of excess fecal matter. With the average person walking around with anywhere from 10-20lbs of excess, old, rotting fecal matter – there is a clear recognition that the importance of emptying out this waste is high. Similarly to if we left our toilets un flushed for many years, the backup of waste would be unmanageable. Our bodies, in their ability to heal and function in a balanced way, also face this inevitable fate when the buildup of toxic waste becomes insurmountable within the body.

The extended juice fast or solid food vacation gives the opportunity for true healing, release and purification to occur opening up our connection to our true identity as angelic breatharian humans. The following outline will bring clarity to the stages + the core elements to the Juice Fasting or Solid Food Vacation process.


Juice Fast Preparation & Intention

It is important to remember that the intention we carry when approaching any action is what will bring its results. To have awareness of the feeling energy that is present within any action we commit or word we express is of the highest importance for harmonious results. This intention lays the foundation for the path we take and ultimately the levels of enjoyment we experience along that path.

When it comes to any sort of fasting, it is important to be mindful of the energy we carry when approaching all elements of the fast, from the duration, to the type of fast, to the tools we use.

As I have outlined in previous phases of the mucusfree living type approach or simply coming to alignment with “light” eating that enters an ongoing process of “lightening of the consumption” – the more methodical & mindful we are with the process – the more long lasting the results.

A 2 steps forward 1 step back type approach respects the natural rhythmic like fashion that our motions take throughout life. As we align ourselves with this flow, we will often find ourselves in a more effortless flow that gives space and room for a flexible approach to the healing process. This also brings in a level of patience and compassion within oneself to balance the discipline and focus required on any sort of fast. As the distractions and temptations of sensational pleasure, parasite or emotional cravings, and simply a further perpetuation of dissonant habits are intensified through the fasting process – we are required to feel into this internal flow to avoid getting lost or taken with the current of energy.

On the base level of intention it may vary from the results that one is focusing on. For some, it may be an intention of healing, others simply a message from the body or even to deepen the connection to God-Source. Whichever the connection or intention, to stay integral and authentically connected to it, is what is of importance.

Below are the additional 2 phases to this healing protocol that build on the above phases of transition from any diet.


Additional Phases


Phase 3 – Moving Into Fruit / Liquids

12-18 Hour Dry Fast

Breaking Fast with a Mono Juice

Drinking Juices until Later in day.

1 Meal of Either 1-3 Types of Fruit -Eat Until Full.

Juices After Meal if still requiring.

This also can be alternated with doing 1 full day of Juice or Water Fasting Per Week.


Phase 4 – Complete Liquid

12-18 Hour Dry Fast

Juices All day – Mono are best (orange, grape, watermelon + Lemon) – Mixed is welcomed

Veggie based or Fruit-Veggie based juices can be mixed in.

Plasma Pudding (Bentonite clay + psyllium husk + activated charcoal ) to be added with juices fast goes over 3 days)

Can cycle days like this with days of lower cycled phases (inclusive of fruit & veggies)


CYCLE Phasing – The Gentle Approach

What is important to remember within this process is that truly there is no “goal” as some hierarchical end point. We are focused on an unfolding that reveals one’s natural state as a pranic being, nourished by the elements and his or her own faculties. THe process of this remembrance can be a natural one, if there is patience and true listening to how the body is speaking. If there is no goal, there can be no rush, thus one will allow for the natural unfolding of the process to occur.

I have constantly been reminded that an approach of 2 steps forward 1 step back, based on the natural rhythmic cycles of the universe, will always set one up for a fulfilling journey. It is often that when we see the potentials of what we can be, or the journey of another that has been laid out, we desire to get there as fast as possible. Believing that it will bring us some sort of final peace, contentment or sense of completion. While this is paradoxically true, as many of the outlines of the “natural” state by spiritual doctrines are accurate – the journey for each of us is infinitely different. And like many things in our experience which have simply spontaneously “happened”, though have been some of the most fulfilling, the return to our natural way as a pranic or breatharian being is to follow suit.


On my path of detoxification & purification, cycling through the examples of the above phases has been crucial. This journey is not a linear one, and the more there is an approach in which is natural, methodical and rhythmic, the easier the journey will be.

For example, we may have the urge to move into a juice fast for an extended period of time. As we listen to our bodies, we can find the correct awareness as to how long this is to be fore. It may last for 7-10 days, and then there may be a wall of more intensive resistance. While some may feel to push through this resistance, which can be beneficial, others may feel to cycle back to eating a bit of fruit, or getting into some veggies. This cycle can provide a nourishing foundation and one that gives the mind and body an active break, where then there may be the natural impulse to continue juice fasting.

This can be done on a smaller interval of 2 or 3 days on (juice fasting) and 1 day off. This is a wonderful starting cycle that can bring a new foundational reference point for the feeling that is experienced when juice fasting along with all the benefits that come with it.

Journaling can be an important companion on this journey, as the logging of the intake of various things and the duration of the cycles that one is on, can give important data for oneself or a guide to give proper insight on guiding the next steps. This, accompanied by a true moment to moment listening of the body, where clear insight can be revealed through the awareness of the body’s communication of its needs.


Juice Fasting Tools

The Juices

These can truly vary but my personal favorites are below. I have done a great video on this topic HERE

Watermelon / Lime / Basil (optional)

Grape / Lemon


Apple / Cucumber / Lemon / Kale




Dry Fasting Periods

Similar to in previous phases outlined where food consumption is still occurring – Dry fasting in both intermittent and long term fasts is recommended. Dry fasting is the supreme natural state of the human experience and when done in a mindful way can bring immense benefits to the healing process. This can be done with the traditional 12-20 hours of daily dry fasting, which give consumption windows for the juice to be done.

Also, on a weekly and monthly basis – dry fasts of 24-72 hours can be done if the body is feeling aligned with it, to further speed up the healing & rejuvenation process.




Psyllium Pudding Powder – ORDER IT HERE

The psyllium pudding acts as a binder or cleansing tool that supports with pulling out old fecal matter that is beginning to dislodge or get loose from within the colon and intestinal tract. There is nothing within it that causes digestion so there is no risk in stopping the fast, however it does look to pull out old waste build up.

Recipe is available for those doing 1on1 groups or a part of the Patreon


Enema’s are a requirement when doing the powders as they help get out toxins at a much deeper level, and remove toxins being released at a quicker speed that what the digestive system will be able to do without any fibres moving through it.


ALL inquiries please send to – or book a 1on1 session with me HERE – Nobody is turned away – “Pay What You Feel” Options are available for all!



NEXT SECTIONS TO BE ADDED – The Journey To Breatharian or Pranic Living


Below is a list of Foods for transitional Purposes.

List of Pus, Acid, and Mucus Forming Foods



  • Blood of Animals
  • Eggs (All Kinds)
  • Lard
  • Meat (Beef, Chicken, Horse, Dog, Mutton/Lamb, Turkey, Veal, Pork:
  • Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Gammon, Chitterlings, Pig Feet; Wild Game: Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Rabbit, Venison, etc.)
  • Margarine (Made with Animal Fat)


  • Crustacean (Crab, Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp)
  • Fish (All Types)
  • Mollusks (Clam, Oysters, Mussels, Snail, etc.)
  • Roe (Caviar)
  • Salmon
  • Shell Fish


  • Butter, Cow
  • Buttermilk
  • Cheese (All Kinds)
  • Cream
  • Crème fraîche
  • Kefir
  • Milk (All Animals and Kinds; Raw Organic, Skim, 1 or 2 %, etc.)
  • Yogurt


  • Barley
  • Breads (All Kinds; Barley, Black, Rye, White, Graham, Pumpernickel,
  • Zwieback, etc.)
  • Cereal Grains (All Kinds; Maize, Farina, Kamut, Millet,
  • Oats, Quinoa, Spelt, White Rice, Brown Rice, Whole or Refined Wheat, etc.)
  • Cornmeal
  • Pseudocereals (All Kinds; Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Cockscomb, Kañiwa, Quinoa, etc.)
  • Pastas


  • Beans (All Kinds and Forms; Black Beans, Black-eyed peas, Fava Beans, Butter Beans, Cannellini Beans, Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Edamame, Great Northern Beans, Italian Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Soy Beans, Split Peas, String Beans (Green Beans), White Beans, etc.)


  • Nuts (All Kinds; Acorns, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios’, Walnuts, etc.)
  • Seeds (All Kinds; Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Seasame, etc.)


  • Dried Convenience Foods
  • Fast Foods
  • Frozen Convenience Foods
  • Packaged Convenience Foods
  • Processed Meat


  • Baked Goods (All kinds including pies, cakes, pastries, etc.)
  • Candy (All Types; Bars, Caramels, Chocolate, Fudge, Jelly candies, Rock
  • Candy, Taffy
  • Gelatin (Jello)
  • Ice Cream (Dairy and Non-Dairy)
  • Marshmallow


  • Alcoholic Beverages (All Kinds; Ale, Beer, Brandy, Champagne, Hard
  • Cider, Liqueur, Mead, Porter, Rum, Sake/Rice Wine, Gin, Herbal Wine, Lager, Fruit Wine, Vodka Whisky, Tequila, etc.)
  • Syrups (Brown Rice, Barley Malt, Chocolate, Corn, Artificially Flavored)
  • Cocoa
  • Coffee
  • Kombucha Tea
  • Soft Drink (Soda Pop)
  • Tea (All Kinds from the Theaceae family)
  • Vinegar (White, Apple Cider)
  • Old-fashioned Root Beer


  • Fish Sauce
  • Fermented Vegetables (All; Kimchi/cabbage and other veggies, Olives
  • Pickles/cucumbers. Sauerkraut/cabbage, etc.)
  • Miso
  • Sauces with Vinegar (Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Relish,
  • Tartar, Barbecue, Salad Dressings, Salsa, etc.)
  • Soy Sauce


  • Chips (corn, potato, plantain, etc.)
  • Frozen Vegan Breakfast Foods (waffels, etc.)
  • Hummus (processed chickpeas)
  • Lab Grown Animal Tissue
  • Margarine
  • Nutritional Yeast
  • Pasta (egg-free)
  • Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juice (potentially acid-forming)
  • Plant milks (grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, rice, etc.)
  • Plant-based butter (nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, peanut, etc.)
  • Plant-based creamers
  • Soy Lecithin (food additive)
  • Tempeh
  • Texturized Vegetable Protein (‘mock’ meats including soy, etc.)
  • Tofu
  • Vegan Baked Goods
  • Vegan Confections (All Types; Chocolates, Ice Cream, etc.)
  • Vegan Cheese Substitutes
  • Vegan Mayonnaise
  • Vegan Whipped Cream
  • Yogurts (Plant-based)


  • Oil (All types; Avocado Oil, Chia Seed, Coconut, Corn, Cotton Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Nut Oils, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Quinoa, Rapeseed (Including Canola), Safflower, Soybean etc.)


  • Black Peppercorns
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Chili Powder
  • Cream of Tarter
  • Curry Powder
  • Nutmeg
  • Paprika
  • Pepper
  • Salt (Celery, Crystal, Iodized, Sea)
  • Vanilla Extract


  • Artichoke
  • Avocados
  • Cassava
  • Cauliflower (Raw)
  • Coconut Meat
  • Corn
  • Durian
  • Fungus (Mushrooms)
  • Green Peas
  • Olives
  • Parsnips
  • Peas (Raw)
  • Plantain
  • Plantains
  • Pumpkins
  • Raw or Baked White Potatoes
  • Raw Squashes (Winter, Acorn, Butternut, etc.)
  • Raw Sweet Potatoes
  • Rutabaga
  • Turnip
  • Unripe Banana

What are Deceptive Mucus-Formers?

Here is a list of foods that many people do not realize create mucus:

  • Rice (great for creating glue to bind books, bad for the transition to a mucus-free diet)
  • Avocados (fatty item that may be used on the transition, but are highly addictive. Although technically a fruit, if used it is best to combine them with a mucus-free combination salad or vegetables to aid elimination. However, it is recommended to stay away from them if you are not already stuck to them.)
  • Nuts (Mucus-forming, but may be used on the transition. It is best to eat with dried fruits like raisins to aid with elimination.)
  • Plantains (Starchy)
  • Tofu (Slimy and mucus-forming.)
  • Un-ripened fruits like green bananas (the riper the fruit you eat the better).
  • Corn (It does not eliminate well. When cooked, corn becomes mushy and slimy in the intestines.)
  • Corn chips (Some people use them on the transition, but they are very addictive and do not eliminate well)
  • Beans (They are starchy and mucus-forming. But, they may be used sparingly on the transition within close proximity to green-leafy salads)
  • Starchy Vegetables (Some vegetalbes are starchy and mucus-forming in raw or cooked forms, such as white potatoes. But, many other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, become almost mucus-free (starchless) after proper cooking.



  • Arugula
  • Bok Choi
  • Cabbage
  • Collard
  • Dandelion Leaf
  • Kale
  • Leafy Herbs (Basil, Parsley, Cilantro, Rosemary, Thyme, etc.)
  • Lettuce (Green, Red, Romaine, Boston Bibb, Iceberg)
  • Mustard
  • Spinach
  • Swiss chard
  • Turnip
  • Watercress


  • Asparagus
  • Black Radish, with skin
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Dandelion
  • Dill
  • Endives
  • Green Onions
  • Horse Radish, with skin
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)
  • Red Beets
  • Red Cabbage
  • Rhubarb
  • Sea Vegetables
  • Sprouts (Alfalfa, Brassica, Green-Leaf, Radish)
  • Sugar Beets
  • Tomatoes
  • Young Radish
  • Zucchini


  • Acorn Squash (Baked)
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli (Baked or Steamed)
  • Brussels Sprouts (Steamed)
  • Butternut Squash (Baked)
  • Carrots (Steamed)
  • Cauliflower (Steamed or Baked)
  • Green Peas (Steamed)
  • Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)
  • Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)
  • Pumpkins (Baked or Steamed)
  • Spaghetti Squash (Baked)
  • Sweet Potato (Baked)
  • Zucchini (Steamed or Baked)


  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Banana
  • Black Cherries
  • Blackberries
  • Blood Orange
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cherries
  • Grapefruit
  • Grapes
  • Honeybell Tangelos
  • Honeydew
  • Lemons
  • Mandarin
  • Mangos
  • Nectarine
  • Oranges
  • Papaya
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Plums
  • Pomegranates
  • Prunes
  • Raisins
  • Raspberries
  • Sour Cherries
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet Cherries
  • Sweet Cherries
  • Tangerines
  • Tangerines
  • Watermelon


  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Cranberries
  • Currants
  • Currants, (Dried)
  • Dates
  • Dates, (Dried)
  • Figs
  • Figs (Dried)
  • Grapes/raisins
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Plums/prunes
  • Strawberries


  • Agave Nectar
  • Coconut Water
  • Fruit Jellies (no sugar added)
  • Maple Syrup (100%, no preservatives)
  • Molasses (no preservatives)
  • Honey (bee)


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