The Tipping Point of Meditation & Mindfulness Practitioners in the Nations Capital.

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Ottawa, A City of Yoga.

Trends come and go. For as long as we can remember, we can see the natural transformation and evolution of humanity, in which has resulted in various “trends of our society”. These trends have spanned the entire spectrum of human life. In modern times, representing more the fluctuation in the economic systems of our world, displaying the changing power of consumer dollars and in its influence in the supply & demand chain.

When it comes to the discussion of topics like spirituality, yoga, meditation and wellness. Many sometimes have ill feelings towards the way our westernized, economically driven society has taken hold of these ancient and sacred practices. Nonetheless, regardless of any one’s ill view, we can look at the underlying message and symbol in which is being reflected by more attention, money and time being invested in practices like yoga & meditation.

Over the past 50 years, we have seen Yoga, predominantly the physical “asana” practice dominate the wellness industry. It has taken it by storm creating an exponentially growing sub-industry all to itself that spans everything from yoga centers, teacher trainings to tight stretchy yoga (cough butt cough) pants. On one end, this is what happens to everything within the capitalist western world, yet on the other, we can see a population starving to BE WELL, to be free from disease, and to live a happy & fulfilling life.

The argument for only the physical aspect of yoga gaining popularity due to the shallow nature of many of those involved in this “trend” can certainly be recognized to have some validity. The majority of yoga practitioners are doing so merely for the physical benefits, unknowingly oblivious to the deep spiritual roots it has. Along with the inevitable inner shifts in which it will bring, regardless of one’s intention.

In the Nation’s Capital, Ottawa, Yoga has swept the city. From the first Yoga studio starting in the 90’s (Rama Lotus) in which pioneered many of the activities, studio offerings and teachers that we see today. A yoga studio is now in every corner of the city, and it seems it has hit its tipping point. Every Wednesday of the Summer Months, 2500 Yogi’s & Yogini’s attend a weekly Yoga class to demonstrate their love for the practice.

So, what’s next?

Well, as the ancient scripture describes, and how millions of yoga practitioners over the years have experienced directly, the natural progression from more physical and external practice, to an internally focused practice is inevitable.

As it happened on my own journey, the physical practice took form in an array of various movement modalities, leading to an initially slow, then expedited journey inwards. Longing to answer the deeper questions of life. Who Am I? What is my purrpose? What is happiness?

As the depth of desire to answer these questions emerged, so did the tool that would be used to find the answers. Stumbling upon various books about the subject, then later video’s on youtube, a previously unknown topic came fourth in the form of “Meditation & Mindfulness”.

A practice that has covered the planet, and been present in all cultures. One in which takes many forms, though fulfills one singular purpose; That is, to quiet the mind and experience one’s true nature directly.

Over the years, thousands of techniques have been developed. Walking, sitting, laying down, screaming, running, dancing… you name it. Anything you can do in “regular life” has been adjusted to fit the definition of one “meditating”. As a basis, through the yogic tradition, in which is said to be the original teachings for practices of Meditation, the act of breath control, concentration and contemplation are the foundation for the experience of Meditation.

In simplicity and logically, Meditation “should” be the easiest thing one can “do”. Simply sit, pay attention to the sensations of the body, then eventually move to the breath, and rest there long enough, leaving all distractions behind, until you experience a state where the mind is silent and you are completely still. It is here, where the experience of Meditation will be seen directly.

Paradoxically, for most, Meditation is the most difficult thing one has ever attempted to do. This is for 2 reasons.

Firstly, many are attached to doing things “perfectly”, and if they cannot, a barrage of self-judgement and criticism arises. Because of this, one could see right past the fact (and most do) that they ARE in fact doing Meditation when they attempt to. Though due to the intensity of the self-judgement, this is ignored. The perfectionist mind, looks at even “one” though as the nemesis of all meditation. Which on one hand is true, on the other, even a split-second of silence within mind.. Is meditation.

Secondly, our modern society is FILLED with temptation, distraction and sensual pleasure in which has tantalized the brain and convinced one that Meditation is impossible and / or useless. Some believe this so deeply that they would never consider Meditation, others, attempt, though quickly return to old ways and habits. Our society is not, on the surface, conducive to one who desires to regularly practice Meditation, though fortunately this is not a valid excuse.

More recently, the practice of Mindfulness has swept the western countries as an initial wave of “simple meditation” that the more physically dominated yoga / wellness culture could accept. Mindfulness has entered the fields of healthcare, psychology, education and leadership. It has become popular amongst elite athletes, sports teams, CEO’s, celebrities, and even politicians. In many jurisdictions, mindfulness is now also being explored as a basis for public policy in areas such as the workplace, criminal justice, education and healthcare.

So what is mindfulness? Mindfulness is about paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and without judgement. The practice of mindfulness meditation helps us develop the skill of paying attention with intention and kindness. By helping individuals to take notice of their outside world, this simple practice also generates a positive impact the across the world.

This approach has a simplicity about it that one can see why the western culture has adopted it more easily.

The Tipping Point of Practitioners in the Nations Capital

Now, Ottawa is an important city. It is the center of Montreal & Toronto, it has the perfect balance of small town & big city, more obviously it is the location of the Nation’s Parliament and public servant dominated workforce. The entire country is affected by the decisions made in this city. With this in mind, and taking into account the benefits (now scientifically proven) of Meditation & Mindfulness, it would see that at the current state of the world, our Country’s decision makers adopting this practice would be VITAL, yes?

As mentioned, the natural evolution of one practicing the physical side of yoga, would naturally merge into a deeper, more intentional and inwardly focused practice. Adopting a more traditional form of Meditation and / or Mindfulness.

In my view, the city is coming to a tipping point where many are beginning to do exactly that. 5 Years ago when I began to teach Meditation in this city, it was frowned upon. A practice that still had the “spiritual stigma” around it, many would not entertain the idea. Fast forward 5 years and the discussion is much different. So much different, we are now approaching Ottawa’s first Mass Meditation on Parliament Hill.

On September 21st 2017, the International day of Peace. 500 Meditators from around the city will gather to Meditate with the intention of world peace inwardly and outwardly. An event put on by Innerspace Mindfulness and Meditation, and the Meditation put on by a World renowned teacher, author and Mindfulness program founder – John Kabat-Zinn. A monumental day for this sacred and effective practice, as in my view, will kickstart a widespread focus of Ottawa residents taking up a more regular form of Meditation and / or Mindfulness.

All the details of this Meditation event can be seen HERE.

What will the results of this be? Who knows for sure..

All I can say, is that with the scientific backing we now have of the changes in quality of life millions have already experienced through these practices, a widespread adoption of this practice can promise to have profound effects.

Over here at INFINITE Life , we have been focused on developing programs in which are being inputted into schools of all ranges, along with our capital’s college’s, with students as a primary focus. From here, our programs being implemented in our nation’s military sections, first responder organizations and of course our public servant organizations has also been a focus. As with widespread adoption in these area’s, changes can ripple effect across our Nation.

Our core programs, events and retreats are always available and open to the public. Our mission is to bring forth an array of various programs that span the full spectrum of Meditative practices so that we can personalize one’s meditation experience and accurately recommend the best practices for each individual. It is surely not “one-size-fits-all” and we live by this.

We even have this free video course, to assist you in adopting the two foundational techniques in which in my view get the quickest and most efficient results.

It is an exciting time to see this next transition, only time will tell the outcome 🙂

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